Internal Rules Family Resort Molenwaard

The members of staff at Family Resort Molenwaard aim to make your stay unforgettable. These internal rules have been drawn up to make your stay and that of our other guests as pleasant and safe as possible. By entering Family Resort Molenwaard, you agree to these rules.

Arrival and departure

The rented accommodation is available from the chosen check-in time on the date stated on your booking confirmation. The key can be picked up at the Guest Service. You are responsible for this key and you are not permitted to give it to others to use. A fee will be charged if the key is lost.

On the date of departure, as stated on your booking confirmation, the accommodation must be vacated by 10:00. You hand in the key to the Guest Service before 10:00. The accommodation must be left broom-clean on departure. This means that the floor is swept, the fridge is empty, the dishes are clean and cleared away and the beds are made. In the event of late departure, Family Resort Molenwaard reserves the right to vacate the accommodation.


Waste must be separated in the appropriate bins in your accommodation. You are not permitted to leave waste elsewhere in the park. Your waste must be deposited in bags in the appropriate container in the recycling centre. The recycling centre also has a container for glass bottles and jars. Chemical waste may not be deposited in the containers but must be handed in to the Municipal Cleaning Division.

Visitors or guests

Visitors are welcome between 08:00 and 22:00 and must report to the Guest Service upon arrival. Visitors must park their vehicle in the car park. Overnight stays are possible, provided accommodation is available. Ask the Guest Service about the possibilities. Guests pay an overnight rate and tourist tax. Visitors or guests also agree to the internal rules when entering the holiday park.

COVID-19 measures

Follow the current measures of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) at all times.

Use of barbecue

The use of a barbecue (gas or electricity only) is permitted in the park. The use of other types of barbecues is excluded. Family Resort Molenwaard reserves the right to ban barbecuing in extreme drought. 


Family Resort Molenwaard offers pet-friendly accommodations. If you are bringing your pet, please indicate this during the (online) booking. The number of pet-friendly accommodations is limited. Other accommodations are not pet friendly. Uncaged pets must be kept on a leash at all times. Pets are not permitted on the sunbathing areas, the play areas and in the swimming water. As the owner of your pet, you must clean up the excrement yourself.

Inspection and maintenance work

Family Resort Molenwaard reserves the right to enter the rented accommodations for inspection and maintenance work, if necessary.

Animal farm

  • You must wash or disinfect your hands before and after feeding or stroking the animals.
  • Closed shoes are required.
  • You must always be kind to the animals. Do not take the animals out of their enclosure and do not bother them (lift, run after them, etc.)
  • You are not permitted to give the animals any (of your own) food. Use the food offered at the animal farm.
  • You must always be careful. The animals are used to people, but they can bite or kick unexpectedly. After all, they are animals.
  • You are not permitted to leave waste in and around the animal farm.
  • Entering the animal farm is at your own risk.
  • Always follow the instructions of members of staff.


Deliberately causing damage to the furniture is not permitted, nor is moving furniture to other accommodations. Indoor furniture should not be placed outside.

Sleep and nuisance

Family Resort Molenwaard asks you to be silent between 23:00 and 07:00. During this period of sleep, the use of sound equipment or the like is not permitted. Neither are you permitted to make noise or cause a nuisance during the day. 


In the event of a fire, you must immediately notify the fire brigade (112) and then the Guest Service. In the event of an emergency or trouble, you must immediately notify security on +31 (0)184 784 078.


Family Resort Molenwaard is authorised to charge costs if you violate the internal rules and fail to follow instructions issued by management and/or members of staff. In serious cases, our members of staff can deny you access to the park or remove you from the park.


Family Resort Molenwaard has a large car park with more than enough parking spaces. You are not permitted to park your car or any other vehicle elsewhere in the park. Each booking comes with the free use of one parking space. When you make a booking, you must provide the registration number of your vehicle. Parking an additional vehicle is possible; additional costs will be charged for this. 


  • You are not permitted to camp in a tent, caravan or camper.
  • Naked flames are not permitted; be alert to any fire hazard.
  • You are not permitted to string up clotheslines; please use the available drying rack.
  • You are not permitted to dig holes and pits, nor to discharge wastewater.
  • You are not permitted to smoke in the accommodation. Smoking is permitted only on the property’s terrace. The rest of Family Resort Molenwaard is a smoke-free zone.
  • You are not permitted to feed the animals, with the exception of designated animals.
  • You are not permitted to swim in waters other than those designated as bathing water.
  • You are not permitted to possess and use drugs at Family Resort Molenwaard.
  • You are not permitted to possess firearms at Family Resort Molenwaard.
  • Football and other ball games area only permitted in designated areas.

Lost and found

Found items can be handed in at the Guest Service or one of the members of staff. You are not permitted to keep or trade these items. If you have lost something, please notify the Guest Service so they can record your details and the type of item lost. If upon returning home, you realise you have lost something, please contact the holiday park. We will send you the item, if found, cash on delivery.


Fishing in the waters at Family Resort Molenwaard is permitted at the designated fishing spots and only for guests of the rented accommodations. Fishing permits are available from the Guest Service. One fishing permit is required per accommodation. Fishing is permitted with a maximum of one fishing rod per person, subject to a maximum of two persons per stay. For the well-being of the fish, you can only use barbless hooks and you are not permitted to use live bait.

Vehicles and traffic at the park

You are not permitted to park cars or other vehicles at the accommodation, with the exception of Hooimijt Oost and West. On arrival and departure, you can drive your car to the accommodation to load and unload your luggage. You have to stay on the paved road and keep in mind the direction of traffic; follow the direction signs. After loading/unloading your luggage, you must park your car in the car park as soon as possible. The maximum speed throughout the holiday park is 15km/h. Always keep the flow of traffic in mind and ensure the road remains clear for any emergency services.  

Photos and videos

You are permitted to take photos or make video recordings, provided it is for private purposes. If you are not recording for private purposes, please contact, so we can give you permission for this. The recognisable portrayal of other guests is not permitted.